A 3′ x 5′ black flag with a white hook & hammer logo in the middle.
$10 domestic shipping
If you wish to order international shipping, please email us at [email protected] and we can discuss shipping options depending on your country of origin. You will still have to go through mail order and send us payment in your currency however. Emailing is just for a shipping price quote.
Free Concealment Service:
We’re aware that many readers of The American Futurist are under 18 and might have family that is hostile to the products we sell. As such we offer a free concealment service. That includes concealing the items ordered, putting a fake return address on the product to prevent look up that directly leads to the publication, and you including an email on your order form so as to allow us to email you your tracking number so you know exactly when the order is arriving.
No Refunds.
Send Cash or Blank USPS Money Order to:
AF Inc.
PO Box 3953
Reno, NV 89505